
a.k.a. Marissa Capp

Hello! I am an aspiring graphic novelist who doubles as both writer and artist. I aim to create compelling and creative narratives for adult audiences that retain the weird, comedic, and morbid qualities of children cartoons. A lot of my inspiration and drive comes from the different forms of entertainment I enjoyed as a kid with my siblings. I make art in hopes that I can recreate the same feelings and connection through my own work.

If you'd like to get in contact with me, you can find my Instagram and LinkedIn linked in the footer. Or, feel free to send me an email at!

This is my work-in-progress website. Right now you can check out some of my animations and comics! Eventually, when it's all done, this website will be used to display and share my artwork online. I'll maybe make a shop if I can figure out how. Perhaps I'll post my writing. who knowwwwwwws. ;P